Tuesday, 27 August 2013

San Francisco offers Great fun for Kids of All Ages

If you are looking for a great place to visit and bring the kids, look no further than San Francisco, California. This city is a wonderful vacation destination not only for grownups for little ones alike. There is so much to see and do that will appeal to young and old alike.

The real beauty of San Francisco to me is the fact that many of the best attractions for kids are also educational as well. Even better is the fact that the educational values are so cleverly disguised as fun, your kids won't even know what hit them. In fact, mom and dad might find themselves learning a thing or two along the way. You might even find yourselves having just as much fun as your little ones are. 

My suggestion though is to be careful not to overdo it. We all want our kids to have fun and enjoy the vacation experience but if you cram too many activities into a small span of time, you will have children who are overloaded, cranky, and tired. This will make your day miserable and will affect their memories of the time they spend here.  I will give a brief overview of several great things for kids and families to do in San Francisco, hopefully this will help you choose more selectively the activities you feel are can't miss activities and those that you can live without. Also remember if you don't get to do everything this trip, don't try to force activities in. Consider is a good reason to come back.

The first thing that I want to tell you about is the Exploratorium. This is definitely one of those destinations that disguises education as fun. The great thing about this one is that it will not only appeal to the little ones but also offer education and fun for the grown ups as well. If I were to point out one 'must do' thing for your family trip to San Francisco this would be it.

Thursday, 22 August 2013

Overbooking your Time is a Vacation Destroyer

When planning a vacation it is often very difficult to set priorities from a distance. San Francisco is really no different than any other vacation destination in that manner. In fact, as a vacation destination, this city has so much to offer that the problem isn't finding enough stuff to do; it is limiting yourself to only doing the things you want most to do because of time constraints. Unless you are going to be in this great city for a month, it would be very easy to overload your itinerary.

Here are a few suggestions for pacing yourself while traveling as well as providing adequate downtime for all family members while visiting San Francisco.

Wednesday, 21 August 2013

Blending Cultures is the Key to Frisco's Greatness

Cultural activities and events abound in the great city of San Francisco. There are even plenty of museums that not only promote awareness of the diverse cultures of this great city but also celebrate the contributions of these people to what this city has become. If you are planning to visit San Francisco, you will be robbing yourself of a real treat if you fail to visit some of the museums devoted to the cultural history of this city. 

Below you will find museums dedicated to the great and diverse people of a city that is only as wonderful as its citizens. San Francisco truly is a melting pot of cultures, beliefs, philosophies, and ideals. If you are looking in from the outside it may not be as obvious to you as to someone who has made a great study of it, however, it is still there. The differences of people here are celebrated rather than duly noted. It's a different world here and I think it's an example that the rest of the world would do well to follow. 

Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Art Museums still manage to move the Masses

With around 65 museums, it's no wonder that it is quite difficult to narrow down the choices and select the San Francisco museum that you absolutely must visit while vacationing here. The good news is that it is quite possible to narrow down the choices according to your personal preferences. Museums are a great way to discover the history, the art, and the future of a city. If that city gives a great amount of effort into building great places of learning about the art, music, history, and future of said city, then that city has a bright future ahead of it.

Art is something that is becoming more and more often overlooked as budget cuts hit school curriculums and great emphasis is placed on learning specific facts and details rather than the learning process, but art is a vitally important component of societal development. Think about it, the one thing that survives the generations of old and appears in museum today is most often art of some sort. Art is a way of expressing who we are, what we dream, and where we hope we are going. If we take the art from our lives, we are stifling our societies and risking our progeny.